Building Blocks for an Effective Team Meeting


Effective team meetings don't happen by chance. They happen through thoughtful planning and consistency.

Too often team meetings are dreadful (ineffective, boring, and lacking in connection). Most managers have not been trained on how to lead a team meeting that focuses on communication and connection. Now, imagine a team meeting that gels your team, creates a path for clear communication, and focuses on problem-solving. This is the type of meeting that creates a great ROI and keeps employees engaged.

It's time to rethink your team meeting.

In the Building Blocks to an Effective Team Meeting you will learn the key elements of a team meeting and your next meeting will far exceed expectations.

Building Blocks to an Effective Team Meeting is ideal for leaders who have 3-12 direct reports


Course Curriculum

On-demand training allows you to learn new management and HR skills from anywhere...home office, coffee shop, conference room, etc. You pick!

To register, you will be redirected to “The Exceptional Workplace” platform where you can view the curriculum at your favorite location and pace.

This course is for you if...

  • You're a team manager

  • You're a director, department head, or Vice President

  • You're the CEO of a small or mid-sized business

  • Or, you lead a program or team of indirect reports

Learn how to facilitate a team meeting that is effective and focuses on connection and communication.

Building Blocks to an Effective Team Meeting includes:

  • The Ideal Team Meeting Agenda (download as PDF and Google Doc)

  • A focus on cultivating connection and communication during your team meeting

  • 30-minutes of direct, actionable content for people who lead teams

Investment: $29


Enroll in the course to download The Ideal Team Meeting worksheet.

This course includes access to a PDF (and Google Doc's!) agenda template that you can use for your next meeting.

Erica Stupfel

e*design Creative Services specializes in making professional design available to small companies and individuals. I understand the importance in brand identity and how a positive visual representation of your product or service can make the difference between success and failure. Your ideas and vision combined with my marketing and design expertise will be a sure success story.

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